COSC203 Web, Databases, and Networks
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Lab 3: CSS Basics

🎯 Lab Objective

In this lab, you will learn how to style web pages.

This lab teaches the following concepts:

  1. Page Styling with CSS
  2. CSS Box Model
  3. Document Flow
  4. Element Positioning

1. Set up your browser for web development

The developer tools that are built into modern web browsers are very useful when creating web pages. However, the default settings are not always ideal. The biggest problem that you will encounter is that browsers love to cache files. That can cause issues during development since the browser may be showing you old versions of your files that don’t include your recent changes.

Let’s tweak the default dev tool settings to make it a more useful tool. We recommend that you use Chrome when developing web pages since it has the best set of developer tools built into it, so start Google Chrome if you aren’t already using it.

  1. Open the developer tools by hitting F12 on your keyboard. If you are using a laptop then you will probably need to hold down the fn key so that you can use the function keys.

  2. Click the βš™ gear icon at the top right of the developer pane to get to the developer tool settings.

  3. Make the following changes to the settings:

    In the Sources section:

    • Disable JavaScript source maps. You will very rarely use source maps and having this turned on causes the browser to request the map files that you won’t have on your server causing a bunch of annoying 404 errors.

    • Disable CSS source maps for the same reason.

    In the Network section:

    • Enable Preserve log. This allows us to see older requests in the network log that may be useful.

    • Enable Disable cache (white DevTools is open). This disables the cache while you have the developer tools open. You should get into the habit of keeping the dev tools open while you are working on a web page for two reasons — the first is that with this option enabled, you never have to worry about seeing cached versions of your pages, and the second is that the dev tools are very useful when debugging problems. A lot of students completely forget about the developer tools and try to solve their problems via trial and error. Don’t be that student — the dev tools are there to help.

    In the Console section:

    • Enable Log XMLHttpRequests. This allows us to see when requests are made to retrieve files via JavaScript. This will be useful to examine problems with downloading the JSON file.

    • Enable Preserve log upon navigation. This stops the error log from being cleared when a new page is requested. Sometimes there are errors that occur in the code that is requesting a new page, and those errors are instantly wiped out as the new page loads. This prevents those errors from being lost.

    If you prefer to use Firefox, then there are equivalents for each of these options. Don’t bother trying to use Safari for web development — half of your problems will be due to Safari itself rather than your problems caused by your code.

βœ… Tip
Don’t forget that you need to keep the dev tools open in order to disable the cache.

2. Basic Style

CSS is a declarative language used to make web pages look better. The colour, size, layout, position, …

Simple CSS syntax:

/* this is a CSS comment */
* {
    color: purple;
    background: orange;

The * means select all HTML elements, the rules enclosed in { swirly braces } describe themselves.

Embedding CSS

The easiest way to include CSS is to embed directly in the HTML file using a <style> element in the <head>. Something like this:

            * {
                color: purple;
                background: orange;
πŸ“ Task 1: Embedded CSS
  1. Use the HTML files from the previous lab.
    • Create a copy
    • Or modify the originals
  2. Create a <style> element in the <head> element of index.html
  3. Copy the CSS below into the <style> element.
* {
    color: purple;
    background: orange;
  1. Test to make sure it matches the example below

Embedded CSS example

Debugging CSS

πŸ“ Task 2: Debugging CSS
  1. From your Web Browser (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc…)
  2. Right click the page and click “Inspect”
    • On Safari you must first enable dev tools
    • Safari > Preferences > Advanced > Enable dev tools
  3. You should have opened the “dev tools” window
  4. Find the “Elements” tab (or “Inspector” in Firefox)
  5. You can hover over any HTML Element and inspect their styles.

It can be convenient to embed CSS in the same file as your HTML. However, with several .html files it’s better to have a separate .css files they can all share.

βœ… Tip
Duplicate code is very bad practice for many reasons. Not least, because maintaining multiple copies is more effort than it’s worth. Having an external CSS file means that you can update the style for an entire web site by changing the CSS in a that file.

External CSS is more popular than embedding. The CSS is contained in a .css file, and the file is included in each .html file with a <link> element in the <head>.


    <link href="./style.css" rel="stylesheet">


* {
    color: purple;
    background: orange;

The <link> uses an href= attribute, just like the hyperlink <a> element. Though the href serves different purposes for each.

Anchor<a>...</a><body>When clicked, open a different webpage
Link<link><head>Include a resource in the current page
πŸ“ Task 3: Link External CSS
  1. Remove any embedded CSS
  2. Create a file called style.css
  3. Put your CSS in that file
  4. Insert a <link> into each of your 3 .html files
    • set the rel attribute to "stylesheet"
    • set the href attribute to "./style.css"

The <link> can include CSS, but it can also include other resources like, fonts, icons, and JavaScript files. These resource files can be local, or they could be could be absolute URLs linking anywhere on the web!

The next task shows how to link a font using an absolute URL from google’s free font collection.

πŸ“ Task 4: Custom Font

Choose a any font here:

After you’ve decided on your font, add it to style.css using the following steps:

  1. Click the Get font to add the font.

  2. Click the Get embed code button.

  3. Click the @import radio button to get the code that needs to be added to your CSS file. Adding the @import in the CSS means that we only have to add the code to a single CSS file rather than modifying all of the HTML files.

  4. Copy the code between the <style> tags. We don’t need the style tags themselves since we are adding the code directly to a CSS file.

  5. Copy the font-family, font-weight, and font-style rules into whatever CSS selectors that you want to apply that font for.

    In this case, you should copy it inside the * selector (just under the background: orange rule) to change the font for the entire page.

3. CSS Syntax

CSS syntax is simple, only 4 main aspects.

  1. Selector
  2. Rule
  3. Property
  4. Value

CSS Syntax

A CSS Selector identifies which HTML element(s) our style rules will apply to. Previously we used the Universal Selector (*) which selects all HTML elements.

A CSS Rule declares the style we want to apply. A Rule has two parts, the Property and the Value, e.g. color: red;.

Element Type Selector

CSS can select elements by tag name. For example, we could use h1 { rules } to style only the <h1> elements.

/* style the h1 element(s) red and large. */
h1 {
    color: red;
    font-size: large;

/* hide the footer */
footer {
    visibility: hidden;

πŸ“ Task 5: Add some colour with the Element Type Selector
  1. Remove the color and background rules from the universal selector * in style.css
  2. Add these 4 selectors into style.css
    • h1 { }
    • h2 { }
    • p { }
    • a { }
  3. Add the color property to those 4 selectors
    • set them all to different colour values.
  4. Add the 5 selectors into style.css
    • body { }
    • header { }
    • nav { }
    • main { }
    • footer { }
  5. Add the background property to those 5 selectors
    • set them all to different colour values.
βœ… Tip

CSS supports several colour formats: the easiest to use are named colours like purple, but if you need a precise colour you should use HEX RGB, or HSL, which you may have seen in programs like PhotoShop.

p {
  color: green;             /* named colour */
  color: #1100FF;           /* hex color code */
  color: rgb(255, 0, 127);  /* RGB = Red, Green, Blue */
  color: hsl(360, 82%, 56%); /* HSL = Hue, Saturation, Lightness */

  /* colours with transparency (opacity / alpha) */
  color: #1100FF22;
  color: rgba(255, 0, 127, 0.5);
  color: hsl(360, 82%, 56%, 0.5);

When choosing a colour palette for a website, definitely use tools like this one

Your site should look something like this, but probably with different colours.

CSS Colours

Class Selector

Class selectors allow us to be even more precise. By giving certain elements a class attribute (<h2 class="value"> ... </h2>) we can style only those elements.

Class Attribute

The Class Attribute is assigned in the HTML, like any other attribute.

<p class="my-class-name">
    center these words!

Class Selector

The Class Selector syntax is a period (.) followed your class.

.my-class-name {
    text-align: center;

Multiple Classes

The example below uses 3 different classes. Some of the elements have more than 1 class.


ID Selector

Finally, the highest level of specificity is the id selector. Similar to class except id must be a unique. The value of id cannot be on more than 1 element, and each element can only have one id at most.

id Attribute

Just like the class attribute, the id attribute may be any value.

<p id="custom-id-123">
    unique id here!

id Selector

The id Selector uses the (#) followed by your id.

#custom-id-123 {
    font-style: italic;

CSS Specificity

We have covered 4 different selectors: universal, type, class, and id. These 4 also correspond to levels of specificity, with the universal being the least specific, and the id being the most.

SelectorSyntaxExampleSpecificity Level
Universal Selectorasterix*1 (lowest specificity)
Type Selectorelementmain10
Class Selectorclass.myClass100
id Selectorid#myID1000 (highest specificity)

A CSS rule at a higher level of specificity will override a rule at a lower level.

h1 {
    color: green;

* {
    color: red;

In the above example, any h1 element(s) will be green, because the type selector (h1) has a higher level of specificity than the universal selector (*).

πŸ“ Task 6: Fonts Style with the Class Selector
  1. In index.html there should be 3 <h2> elements.
    • Give each <h2> a different class value
  2. Add 3 selectors for each class in style.css
  3. Style each <h2> element differently
    • The table below has some font properties to get you started
PropertyExample values
colorgreen, #00FF00, rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.5)
font-size12pt, 30px, 2em
font-weightlighter, normal, bold, bolder, 900
font-family“serif”, “sans-serif”, “monospace”
font-stylenormal, italic

4. The CSS Box Model

HTML elements render as rectangles. If we give each element a border, we can see these rectangles clearly.

Declare a border on every element like this:

* {
    border: 2px solid red;
    margin: 10px;

Each rectangle’s size can be changed with the width and height properties. Each element also has margin, border and padding properties which influences the size too.




  • Margin: space between elements. Always transparent.
  • Border: a border that surrounds the padding and content.
  • Padding: space around the content. Always transparent.

These 3 properties determine the spacing between all block elements on a web page.

You can set the margin on all 4 sides with margin: 10px; (to 10 pixels wide).

Or you can set each side separately with margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left. The same is true with padding: 10px; along with each side padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom and padding-left.

CSS Units

Measurements in CSS require units.

  • px an absolute measure of in pixels.
    • Where width: 100px; is exactly 100 pixels wide.
  • % is relative to the parent element.
    • Where width: 50%; is half the width of the parent.
  • em is relative to the font size.
    • Where width: 2em is twice the width of the current font.

Border Properties

Since the border is not transparent (unlike margin and padding) it has some visual properties, including: border-color and border-radius.

* {
    border-width: 1px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: red;

    border: 1px solid red; /* all at once */

    border-radius: 10px; /* rounded corners */
πŸ“ Task 7: Circular Image
  1. In your CSS any kind of selector for your <img> element.
    • either class, id, or even a type selector
  2. Add margin: 20px;
  3. Add a border.
  4. Add properties for width and height
    • can you stretch the image horizontally?
  5. Use the following property to “crop” instead of stretch
    • object-fit: cover;
  6. Use the following property to move the crop location
    • object-position: 0% 0%;
    • the first value is horizontal, the second is vertical
    • what values will crop the top half of Polly?
  7. To make the image a circle
    • Revert it back to a square
    • Add the property border-radius
      • can you give the image rounded corners?
      • can you round the corners so large, it becomes a circle?

You’ll have plenty of opportunities to play with CSS in Assignment 1

5. Document Flow

Web document styling is inspired by physical, paper document typesetting (like magazines or newspapers). Document flow the default layout without any CSS.

Document flow was designed for text and images. Where block elements display in a vertical direction, stacking from top to bottom. Inline elements display in a horizontal direction, stacking from left to right.

Document Flow

Inline elements are most useful when inside a block element. In the example below an inline anchor element (<a>) is inside a block paragraph element (<p>).


Div and Span

Two very important elements for page layout are <div> and <span>. They are known as organisational elements, as they are usually used for grouping and organising other elements. The <div> element is a block element, and <span> is inline.


The semantic HTML elements: <header>, <footer>, <main>, <nav>, <section>,<article>, … are all basically <div> elements, as they are all display: block; by default. The only difference are the semantic names that help SEO and accessibility browsers. If you cannot think of a semantic HTML element for your content, just use a <div>. Similarly: <a>, <img>, and <button> are essentially <span> elements, as they are display: inline; by default.

You can always change the default display mode of any element using the display property.

header {
    display: inline;
img {
    display: block;
βœ… Tip
There is also: display: none which removes the element completely.
πŸ“ Task 8: Play with Images
  1. Centre the image of Polly
    • First you need to set the image’s display property to block
    • You can centre block elements horizontally with margin: auto
    • So, set margin-left and margin-right to auto
  2. Box shadows
    • Shadows on block elements are easy with the box-shadow property
    • For example box-shadow: 0 8px 16px 4px red;
      • 0 horizontal offset
      • 8px vertical offset
      • 16px blur amount
      • 4px spread (optional)
      • red shadow’s colour
    • Give the photo of Polly a visually pleasing shadow
  3. Text Shadows
    • Use the text-shadow property on your web page somewhere


Both block and inline have limitations:

  • Block elements don’t naturally sit side-by-side
  • Inline elements ignore many Box Model properties
    • i.e. you cannot set: width, height, top-margin, top-padding, bottom-margin, or bottom-padding.

To give us the best of block and inline together we have display: inline-block;. Which allows elements to be easily placed side-by-side and it allows any Box Model property to be set.

βœ… Tip

The inline display mode was designed for text, this is why certain Box Model properties are ignored as they make little sense for text. Instead, to change the height of inline elements use the line-height property (Behaves like double spaced text). And to adjust the vertical spacing use the vertical-align property.

Left and right margins still behave as expected on inline elements.

πŸ“ Task 9: Image Filters

Let’s create a grid of image figures (as pictured below)

  1. Somewhere in index.html create a bunch of <figure> elements
    • at least 8, maybe around 12?
    • each <figure> should have 2 nested children
      • an <img> element
      • a <figcaption> element
    • Something like the following:
    <img src="polly.jpg" alt="Photo of Polly">
    <img src="polly.jpg" alt="Photo of Polly">
  1. Make each <figure> display as an inline-block
    • adjust the CSS so the images appear in a neat grid
    • hints:
      • <figure> has some default margin
  2. Use a filter an each image
    • give each <img> an identifier (id) attribute
    • using the id give each image a different filter property
      • For example, one could be:
        • filter: blur(5px)
      • Some could have two (or more) filters:
        • filter: brightness(100%) contrast(150%);
    • More filter examples provided below
  3. Don’t forget to give each figure a useful caption
Photo of Polly
Photo of Polly
Photo of Polly
brightness(80%) contrast(250%);
Photo of Polly
Photo of Polly
Photo of Polly
Photo of Polly
Photo of Polly
invert() sepia() saturate(500%) hue-rotate(50deg);

6. Positioning

We can alter the position of an element within the document flow if we change the position property. The default is position: static and cannot be moved. However, position relative, fixed, and absolute can be moved.

position: static elements cannot be moved in the document flow.

position: relative elements can be moved. Their movement is relative to their original position in the document flow.

position: fixed elements are removed from the document flow. Their position is relative to the viewport. Scrolling has no effect on fixed position elements.

Moving a Positioned Element

Movement is controlled with the properties: top, right, bottom, left. They directly control the distance between the element’s margin and its parent’s padding. You can change all 4 sides at once using the shorthand inset property.

div {
    position: relative; /* enable positioning */

    top: 0;
    right: 20%;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 20%;

    inset: 10px; /* all 4 sides */
    inset: 0 20% 0 20%; /* top right bottom left */

Position Absolute

Lastly, position: absolute; elements are removed from the document flow, just like fixed. However, their movement is relative to their first non-static parent.

A common design pattern is to position a parent container relative which has a child element positioned absolute. In this fashion, the parent container remains in the document flow, and the child is easily placed anywhere within the bounds of the parent.

πŸ“ Task 10: Position Text
  1. Position the <h1> somewhere within the <header>
    • use the design pattern: parent relative, child absolute.
    • the pattern is provided below
      • values for position are provided
      • some suggested values are also included
        • but you may use any properties you think might help
header {
    position: relative;
    height: ?;
h1 {
    position: absolute;
    left: ?;
    top: ?;

  1. Centre the text in the <footer>
    • the below method is far simpler than above
    • but it only works for text and is far less flexible
footer {
    text-align: center;
    padding: ?;

  1. Position the captions (<figurecaption>) elements in front of the images.
    • two examples are given below
    • style the font nicely
    • hints:
      • use the design pattern mentioned above
      • which element is the parent?
      • which element is the child?
      • how do you move a positioned element?
βœ… Tip

(This tip isn’t needed for the current lab.)

Positioned elements can overlap each other. Changing the z-index property will control which elements are in front or behind.

div {
    z-index: 100;

Elements with a higher z-index are rendered in front of elements with lower z-index.

Negative z-index values are allowed.

6. Marking Off

This lab is worth marks. be sure to get signed off.